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时间:2024-05-07   浏览:3次

1、希望下次见面,也能抱紧紧。 I hope we can hold on to each other next time. 2、地球仍然转动世间依旧善变,而我永远爱你。 The earth is still moving, the world is still changeable, and I love you forever. 3、早已百无禁忌,偏偏你是一百零一。 There are no taboos, but you are 101. 4、等下一阵秋风起的时候,也会把你吹到我身边吗! When it's time for you to blow me! 5、喜欢简简单单的在一起,并不需要海誓山盟。 Like simple together, do not need to pledge. 6、什么东西都会习惯,就像我习惯你一而再,再而三。 Everything will be used to, just like I used to you again and again, again and again. 7、我不爱繁华,只向往一道属于我的风景,而那个风景,恰巧是你。 I don't love prosperity, only yearn for a scenery that belongs to me, and that scenery happens to be you. 8、爱一个人,就会陪着一个人走过很多的岁月,陪伴是最长情的告白。 Love a person, will accompany a person through a lot of years, accompany is the longest love confession. 9、春花落入秋水,夏日照进冬泥,从此,心里有了一个你。 Spring flowers fall into the autumn water, summer shine into the winter mud, since then, there is a you in my heart. 10、第一次遇到你,上帝就在我耳边说了四个字:在劫难逃! The first time I met you, God said four words in my ear: doomed! 11、如果全世界都对你恶语相向,那我就对你说上一世情话。 If the whole world speaks ill of you, I will speak to you. 12、余生很长,想和你没完没了。 For the rest of my life, I want to be with you forever. 13、你的眼里有春有秋,胜过我见过爱过的山川河流。 You have spring and autumn in your eyes, better than the mountains and rivers I have seen in love. 14、只要谁喜欢得多一点,谁就容易让步,因为够爱。 As long as anyone likes more, he will give in easily because he loves enough. 15、我想和你拥抱,和你彻夜聊天,还想和你接吻。 I want to hug you, chat with you all night, and kiss you. 16、一直单身的我,等待着不想单身的你。 I have been single, waiting for you who don't want to be single. 17、我给你一个尽情虐我的机会,不用道歉! I'll give you a chance to abuse me. Don't apologize! 18、不经意的邂逅,不经意的别离,人生总是这样,很无奈。 Casual encounter, casual parting, life is always like this, very helpless. 19、亲爱的,感谢你付出的真挚的爱! Dear, thank you for your sincere love! 20、曾经许诺过的天长地久,现在也只不过演变成了年少轻狂的戏言。 The promise of eternity has now only turned into a young and frivolous joke. 21、其实你知道吗?我想你已经是我生活的一部分了。 You know what? I think you're already a part of my life. 22、爱情在“时光”的暴晒下不知不觉变了质。 Love in the "time" under the sun unconsciously changed the quality. 23、我是困不住的野马,现在却只想做你怀里的猫。 I'm a wild horse that can't sleep, but now I just want to be a cat in your arms. 24、恋你如嗜酒,有瘾且还醉。 Love you like drinking, addicted and drunk. 25、我是会陪着你的人,更是会伴你到老的人。 I will accompany you, is will accompany you to the old person. 26、翻遍了余生的黄历,除了爱你诸事不宜。 Through the rest of the life of the Yellow calendar, in addition to love you are not suitable. 27、我用思念的痴狂,问你走过的地方。 I use the madness of missing to ask where you have gone. 28、我爱你!一爱到底,永远不悔! I love you! Love in the end, never regret! 29、我会一直在,即使风景都尘埃。 I will always be there, even if the scenery is dusty. 30、我守在忘川河干,不为轮回,只为在途中与你相遇相见。 I keep in the river, not for reincarnation, only to meet you on the way. 31、等你确定了自己的心,再来找我。 When you have confirmed your heart, come to me. 32、因为你的生日,我的生命里从此也会多了一个永不忘记的记忆点。 Because of your birthday, there will be a memory point in my life that I will never forget. 33、倘若你所有深情都被辜负,那我予你细水长流伴你一生。 If all your affections are betrayed, I'll give you a long stream to accompany you all your life. 34、你笑起来的样子像极了外面的好天气。 The way you laugh looks like the fine weather outside. 35、希望你一辈子都迷路,最后来到我身边。 I hope you'll get lost all your life and finally come to me. 36、多希望你就是最后的人,在终点等你的人会是我。 I hope you are the last one. I will be the one waiting for you at the end. 37、你并不美丽,但你可爱至极,怎能不爱你! You are not beautiful, but you are lovely, how can you not love you! 38、我们相爱一生,我们相守一世。 We love each other for a lifetime, we stay together for a lifetime. 39、没有你的世界,无法继续。 The world can't go on without you. 40、不需言语,让我用行动告诉你,什么叫爱! Without words, let me tell you with my actions what is love! 41、欢迎来到王者荣耀,我还有五秒到达你心上。 Welcome to the glory of the king, I have five seconds to reach your heart. 42、我这人没什么出息,就想花你的钱,睡你的床,做你的老婆。 I have no future. I just want to spend your money, sleep in your bed and be your wife. 43、一路走来,已不想问你对我的感觉,只想说真的好喜欢你。 Along the way, I don't want to ask how you feel about me. I just want to say I really like you. 44、幸福,就在那云彼端;而梦想,也会在不远的地方。 Happiness is on the other side of the cloud, and dreams are not far away. 45、你不用担心我们合不合适,我百搭。 You don't have to worry about whether we fit or not. I can do anything. 46、我这一生最美好的场景、就是遇见你。 The best scene of my life is to meet you. 47、愿有生之年,只诉温暖,不言殇,倾心相遇,安暖相陪。 Wish to live, only talk about warmth, not mention war, heart to heart encounter, warm and peaceful company. 48、这世上最美好的事情莫过于,年少时遇见你,十年后还在一起。 The best thing in the world is to meet you when you were young and still be together ten years later. 49、我努力变得更好,是因为你,但不是为了你。 I try to be better because of you, but not for you. 50、不管天的变化莫测,我对你的爱无怨无悔。 No matter the changeable days, I have no regrets for your love. 51、闭眼呼吸,感受着有你在的每一分每一秒。 Close your eyes and breathe and feel every minute and second you are there. 52、如果你是夕阳,我就是傍晚,毕生相扶,暮暮朝朝。 If you are the setting sun, I am the evening, helping each other all my life. 53、凡夫俗子,你不想尝尝本仙女的味道吗? Ordinary people, don't you want to taste this fairy? 54、我爱你,没有什么目的,只是爱你。 I love you, no purpose, just love you. 55、我在开心时想你,难过时想你,忧愁时想你,无时无刻不在想你。 I miss you when I am happy, when I am sad, when I am sad, I miss you all the time. 56、后来不懂爱的人慢慢懂了,懂爱的人却不敢再爱了。 Later, people who don't understand love gradually understand, but those who understand love dare not love again. 57、我的女神、不温柔、不淑女、不会离开我。 My goddess, not gentle, not lady, will not leave me. 58、这个世界上除了你,没有什么是我放不下的。 There is nothing I can't put down except you in this world. 59、晚是世界的晚,安是你给的安。 Night is the night of the world, Ann is what you give Ann. 60、我虽然不是奥利奥,但是可以泡一泡。 I'm not Oreo, but I can have a bubble.






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